Donnerstag, 1. August 2019

Our loveliest place

Our loveliest place is the former monastery Kloster Michaelstein.
Today it is a museum of musical instruments and
a home for seminarys and concerts. 

We come here so often as we can, four to five times a year.
We take the bus, the station is nearby and it is not to far to go
(mostly the stations are far away from good places
and the buses don't go on Sundays).

Through the cloister you enter the garden, which is a place full of aromatic herbs
and high energy. We love to sit here for hours.

The photos are from different visits.
I'm new in this challenge and there are only two days...

It's always a joy to stroll around here and smell the herbs
and flowers and hear the bees and other insects.

Once I found this stone outside of the wall and took it home.
It always reminds me about happy hours and urge me,
that we must more often walk here...

(next one, in october, we make a real sunday walk and I show fresh photos)

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, I can see why this is a favorite spot for you. It would be for me too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful place and I understand why you love going there!!

  3. Heisann, gosh, what a lovely place, it must be very peaceful to walk these paths smelling the flowers, enjoying the colours of the different flowers, and feel the atmosphere of old buildings. Thank you for sharing, Mascha and walking on Blogger´s Sunday Walk even if it was hard for you to find the occasion ;:OD).

  4. PS the stone will be a great memory as you write!


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