
Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2017

Summer joy...

SpyGirl is asking for our Summer bucket list. 

1. Spend less time with blogging and such things, life more offline and enjoy. 

2. Visit this monastery garden, more than one time. 

3. Say Good morning to every day and invite it to become the finest. 

4. Visit this wonderful place so often I can. 

 5. Have less pain and more fun 

6. Go for a swim more often (that helps against pain) 

7. Swim through this lake (find a person with a car, who brings us there) 

8. Read the new books, which I found last sunday at our library flea market. 

9. Find an isle for creativity in alldays life (although holidays are nope) 

10. Wear more blue. 

11. Clean out some waste corners and wear all my old summer dresses, 
which haven't worn since years. 
Or give them away, when their size got to small. 
(Unfortunately they have the habit of becoming smaller and smaller) 

12. Take free time from alldays life so often it's possible and enjoy the times.

17 Kommentare:

  1. ...lots of wonderful images, number 9 is my favorite.

  2. What a wonderful, poetic, beautiful list! Have a great summer!
    xxox, Anne

  3. Lovely things to do! Where I wouldn't agree is "wear lots of blue". Why only blue? I love white and stripy and red and green and all colours of rainbow in summer. Thanks for inspiration! Hope to hear your impressions of those books))
    Best wishes from Russia,
    PS. BTW, I'm Irina. It is my real name, not a nick!

  4. Wonderful images, the outdoors and even your closet!
    Summer is to spend less time online - I totally agree (and my blog stats prove it)
    So funny "Wear More Blue" and your closet is jammed pack with that color ~

  5. What is it that happens to clothes in a closet? Mine also get smaller. That monastery garden looks beautiful. Have a fabulous summer.

  6. Love the spiritual element to all of your activities. Being in those beautiful gardens, swimming in that refreshing river, even wearing more blue!!!

    I hope to clean my closet and the rest of the house this summer. So many projects, so little time!

    Thank you for joining us for the summer bucket list post. We will do an update on 7/21. Hope you will join up for that, too.

  7. What a beautiful list--and lovely images. I feel more peaceful just having viewed your post. Thanks for sharing.


  8. Thank you for this beautiful post, Mascha! I love Spygirl on the swing with her head dress. Love that reflection of the sky around that little patch with greenery! I agree - I should wear more blue too!
    Thank you for your effort to link up a thumbnail to All Seasons. Am letting go of the Linky list this week(since my corrections did not have an effect), and answering all the ones who commented. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you like you can link this post for next week Sunday! Have a great summer week:)

  9. Mascha, this is the latest. The owner of the Linky list fixed the link by Sunday 9:15 pm, so if you still like to add your photo, you're very welcome to do so!

  10. Wonderful bucket list of summer joy - I love your garden, wearing blue and reading of course.

  11. The dreamy capture you shared with All Seasons - a writer could see the story of a book:) Many thanks Mascha, and also your comment of support for All Seasons -wishing you a marvelous week!

  12. Oh...those images of you on the swing are awesome! Frame worthy!

  13. Hello Mascha! I stopped to say hello and to admire your great collection of aspects captured! What amazing list and photos. I agree with the point of no. 5... But all of the 12 points written are very interesting and important to live and to enjoy life with creativity and inspiration, with good cheer.
    I wish you a very lovely summertime for soul and mind! Lots of good health and joy to you! best regards, Alexa

  14. So much beauty and wisdom in your series of shots. blessings...just BE. robin.

  15. Your pictures really speak to me… Beautiful color, peaceful atmosphere… Just lovely!

    It sounds like you have a soul refreshing summer ahead, what a great way to recharge!


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