
Freitag, 23. Juni 2017

Friday Five and cats dispute

Good morning, 
the week is gone and it's time to join in 
 Today in my green blog, because the colors of photos aren't fitting well 
with the actually posts in my main blog.

"Weekend Green" is in a separate post above.


 I have a new fence in my backyard. 
The old was totally rotten.
Have used the rests from some paint cans.
 Why only knit striped sweaters of wool rests,
 just like that I can make a striped fence... 


It has a board on top, to make sitting for cats more comfortable. 
They appreciate that. 


 All years long there is a war between my cat and one of the neighbors cats. 
As soon as the fence is finished, the wrong cat is sitting up... 
My cat is below and just they have one of their endless discussions. 

Hey, what are you looking at? 
That is our business!

Let us negotiate before the next attack... 


 I made great rich hunting exploits at the librarys sale last weekend. 

It's hosta time again. 

Enjoy your weekend

Around Roanoke

11 Kommentare:

  1. I love your colourful fence, it's so cheerful. I would spend all my time in the garden looking at it. 😊

  2. Liebe Mascha,
    der Zaun ist wundervoll, gefällt mir sehr gut. Katzen sollte man in Ruhe lassen, wenn sie streiten, das musste ich mal auf die harte Tour lernen, anschließend war ich beim Durchgangschirugen. Den Katzen ging es bestens.
    Ich bin auch ein Büchernarr und weiß, welches Vergnügen es ist, wenn man unter sehr vielen Büchern sich ein paar raussuchen kann.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Freitag.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  3. ...Mascha, I love that fence.

  4. Fantastic fence, and a great idea for using up old cans of paint.
    Our library had a sale last week too and we bought 35 books :-)

  5. Love the fence! Pretty cats!
    My Hostas are blooming, too, but I can't seem to get a good photo of them. Your Hosta photo is excellent!

  6. Some beautiful photos of the cats! it looks so green where you are compared to here, it is more like a desert during the summer everything is scorched yellow and brown! Thanks for joining in with Five on Friday this week, hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  7. That is the happiest looking fence I've ever seen,

  8. mascha, i love your fence! it must make you happy everytime you see it! i enjoyed the conversation between the kitties :) thanks for linking up to willy nilly and i hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  9. I love your colorful fence! It looks like a happy place. The cats must provide lots of entertainment. Your yard looks very lush and beautiful! Enjoy your day.

    Cindy Bee

  10. Wow your fence is so fun and colorful. Love it! - You have such a pretty yard/garden and the story of the two cats was so fun to read about. I hope they don't get into really "heated" disagreements with each other. Have fun with your reading.

  11. Auf den Fotos wirkt der Katzenkrieg aber recht entspannt mit dem Zaun als Trennwand. Doch die Realität sieht wohl immer noch anders aus …


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